Start calculation

NOE restraints:  
NMR parameters:  
BME weights:  
SAXS data:  

Karplus equation parameter set:

Fit models in PDB
     on range:  (optional)
Use r-3 averaging between models (NOE)
Use SVD for RDC back-calculation
RDC LC model:


The server is specifically designed for structural ensembles that were generated to reflect the internal dynamics of proteins at a given time scale. Such ensembles are typically generated by restrained molecular dynamics methods or selection-based approaches. CoNSEnsX+ provides an ensemble-averaged analysis of all experimental parameters recognized in the input and offers a simple greedy selection approach to identify the sub-ensemble best reflecting the parameters chosen.

Input a multi-model PDB file, a BMRB format NOE distance restraint file (optional, V2 NMR Restraints at the Protein Data Bank) and a BMRB restraint file to check the accuracy of the protein structural ensemble against experimental data. For a detailed description, see the description page.
When publishing results obtained with CoNSEnsX, you are kindly asked to cite the relevant references from these:
Questions and suggestions regarding the CoNSEnsX server should go to Zoltán Gáspári (gaspari.zoltan at